Christmas is by far my favorite holiday of the year... and well, lets just say, it looks like my boys are taking after their mommy. They absolutely LOVE christmas. They love the music, the sweets and treats smell throughout the house, the stories about baby Jesus, the decorations and just being together as a family! And now that Philip is 3 1/2, he decided he would make his own list this year (and of course Parker's too)... I thought well we are teaching him to be more independent like getting himself dressed, taking his dishes to the sink, etc... so what could it hurt?! WRONG!! So I got a pen and he began to dictate what he would like to ask Santa for and I really couldnt believe my ears!! First of all, it was like a mile long and secondly, these weren't just little $10 target toy gifts... these were big items like "a country club like his Gigi and Doc's (right... would be nice - did his daddy tell him that one), a puppy (no biggie just like a $2000 gift), a CAR (how old is this kid?)" and the list went on and on. So sometimes Mrs. Claus (as in the past- I know, guilty as charged) goes a little overboard buying for the boys but this year we tried to limit it to the boys getting 3 big gifts as the 3 wisemen brought baby Jesus three special gifts. It seemed like the perfect plan to help Philip narrow down his list a little bit and helped daddy sleep at night - ha! So although Santa didn't bring the boys a country club membership or a puppy... they were beyond blessed and got everything that they could ever have dreamed of and more. Oh and yes... Philip did get a car... a battery operated one that is. :o) And we also were so blessed to be surrounded by family that we love so much as we celebrated christmas literally all month long. We went to Dallas with the boys for a week and had so much fun showing the boys their Texas roots. They loved of course learning new things from their uncles (which I hope they never repeat... especially at their church preschool - cant wait for that phone call from the teacher) and spending time and getting lots of love from their Mimi and Grande. We also went to Atlanta before christmas and the boys had a blast playing with their cousins Alli Lane and Boots (Parker even got dressed up as a little girl in a bonnet and played dolls (those pics are sure to resurface at his rehearsal dinner) and were loved on by not only their sweet grandparents Gigi and Papa Doc but also by their great grandparents - Grandmommie, Granddaddy and Mimi Buckler (how cool is that?!). So on the night before christmas as we read the christmas story with the boys, made Santa's cookies, sprinkled reindeer food (as daddy and the boys yelled for Santa... yes, literally yelled... I am so sure our neighbors were so ready for the boys 8pm bedtime before we even were) and talked about the amazing love of Jesus.. Phil and I were reminded how blessed we truly are. And then my sweet parents came to Charlotte on christmas eve night and surprised us. Santa and Mrs Claus LOVED having some helping hands and I felt like a little girl all over again! Wow... what can I say but I am SO blessed! Hope you all had a wonderful, blessed and Merry Christmas! Now just 364 more days till next year's Christmas ... let the countdown begin.
7 bags, 2 kids under the age of 4, 1 direct flight cancelled, 2 flights redirected to TX, 1 layover, 1 bag lost, 1 kid vomitting on the plane and the other kid with it coming out the other end (if you get my drift), 1 stroller, 1 car seat and 2 LOLLIPOPS later = PRICELESS! And yes, this is ALL true... this is how we started our christmas holidays in route to Texas! Merry Merry!

Welcome to Texas... need I say more?!

But so happy to be able to be there in time to celebrate Grande's Birthday... Happy Birthday Grande!

Philip picking out his dream car at Neimans in Dallas... Don't even think about it son - its NOT happening!

Mommy helping Parker climb through the mile long tunnel maze at Neimans... thought it was a great idea but lets just say Parker is no small child and I am no child at all... (mommy fail)

But Philip loved it.. so cool he did it 3 times all by HIMSELF!

Love reading christmas stories to my two favorite little boys in the whole world!

Three generations of John Philip Brosseaus (I LOVE this picture)

And NO Uncle Boone... my kids are NOT going to Texas -ha!

The boys watching the famous Mr. Scrooge at Northpark

Welcome to the Trains

Wonderland at Northpark!

The boys were in LOVE!! Countless trains all making noise and going around the track.. way cool!

Grande helping Parker to get a better view

So Sweet!!!

Next stop...


My two FAVORITE Stephens!!!!

The cutest Santa and Mrs. Claus... Gigi and Papa Doc

Parker... not really sure where he is sticking that bottle - ha!! And Parker, I am sorry son but this is too good... it will be on a slideshow at your rehearsal dinner so dont say I didnt tell you so!

My sweet baby growing up way too fast!

Gigi and her grandbabies

Papa Doc and his grandbabies

The sweet little angels (Philip, Boots, Alli Lane and Parker)

And Yes, I confess... they all smiled because they were being bribed. Who knew christmas presents could be such great camera assistants!?

My precious little boys! Next Stop... Charlotte!

And... Looks like Santa came to see Philip and Parker

Spiderman (aka Philip) giving his first Puppet show

And Parker and his new BFF Woody - (and yes, thanks Disney for that name... love that my son walks around all day talking about "his woody!")

Papa Doc sporting the Spiderman mask... watch out boys!

And last but not least... the CAR!! Now we just need to teach these boys how to hunt!!

Merry Christmas... hold on tight or it might pass you by!!