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Philip's 9 month check-up
Today our little angel turned 9 months old and had his check-up with Dr. Harrell. He weighed in at 19lbs 1 oz and measured 29 inches long. He is in the 10-25% for his weight and of course the 90% for his height. He is one tall drink of water for sure! Philip of course had a perfect check-up with no shots (except for a little toe prick which he didn't even cry for) and clearly surpassed all his developmental questions (well with the exception of one which was his parents fault)... he is crawling like crazy these days, is trying to pull-up (he can get to his knees), stands on his own for a short period of time and is eating solids like a champ. However, at the end of the developmental question list the nurse asked me, "does he understand the word "no?" I looked puzzled at first and then all of a sudden out of my mouth came the mortifying words... "I don't think so... we haven't actually ever told him no before." I was so embarrassed as you moms can imagine as the nurse sort of rolled her eyes. Note to self... never tell that I haven't told my child "no" for 9 whole months of his life. I clearly must have the case of the first-born syndrome. But I promise you all, Philip is really so good that we haven't had to exercise the word "no" into his vocabulary. However, as a take away from his appointment... I came immediately home and told Phil, we for sure need to start telling him "no!"
Hey Steph!
I can't believe Philip is already 9 months old. His picture is just precious and he is nice and lean :) you will never have to worry about a tummy on that boy.
Happy Belated Birthday Phil! It looks like you guys definitely had a great time in San Diego and what a nice surprise for you both to enjoy it together.
Hi Stephanie,
Sorry to leave this as a comment but the addresses I have for Philip don't seem to be working. You can help too though. Your Christmas card from us was recently returned so I must have the wrong address...would you mind sending me your current one? Thanks so much! Little Philip is adorable! I love that bald head! I am due in June with our third and we found out a few weeks ago that it's a boy! After having two girls, we have a lot of work to do to get ready for this little guy! Take care.
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