Looks like someone turned 30 today! Happy Birthday baby... we love you so much and are so blessed to have you in our lives! I know that 30 years ago, God made you special just for me and Philip just as he made us for you... what a great day today was 30 years ago! How amazing is that?!
Well, Phil celebrated his 30th in style and of course all week long... afterall isn't that the way your 30th is supposed to be celebrated?! It started with a wonderful dinner at the Atlanta Athletic Club with my parents, Gigi and Papa Doc... it was a great night for all and even greater for little Philip who had his first taste of real ice cream! He loved it so much that he actually started screaming at the top of his lungs after I stopped feeding it to him... what can I say he is a Brosseau boy for sure -loves that ice cream! And yes... I know he isnt supposed to have real ice cream just yet at just 9 months... but then again it was his daddy's 30th... so we let this one slide. Then on Phil's birthday, we went just our little family of three to Houstons (one of Phil's all time favorites)! We had so much fun and Phil and Philip of course again shared his b-day dessert... although Philip was not really a fan of sharing this time... he even took both spoons so Phil couldn't get any! Unbelievable... he must get that stubborness from his daddy (haha). The very next day Phil had to go to Palm Springs, CA for a work trip. He had been begging me for weeks to go with him but as most of you moms out there know... it isnt so easy just to hop on a plane at the last minute and go out of town. There is lots of coordinating and logistics to work out so I had said it just wouldn't work this time. However, I spontaneously decided at the last minute that it would be fun and afterall... it was Phil's 30th so I booked a flight and flew to San Diego, CA with the genius plan to surprise my hubby in Cali! Ben and Carol Lee, Phil's brother and our sister-in-law were amazing... they picked me up from the airport and even let me borrow their car and off I went driving to Palm Springs (about a 2 1/2 hour drive). And after flying across the country with a layover in Denver... lesson learned - don't then have a 2 1/2 hour drive ahead of you at 9pm at night... it can make for a VERY long day but of course it was worth it for sure! When I arrived in Palm Springs... Phil was still out at the convention so I checked into his room (still can't believe they let me do that... but then again like Phil said he wasn't staying at the Ritz or anything). When he came back to his hotel room about 20 minutes after I had arrived, I jumped out of the closet giving him a huge hug surprising him! For those of you who have never done this... lesson learned... dont ever jump out of a closet when someone thinks they are walking into an empty hotel room (it about gave Phil a heart attack). But needless to say after he finally caught his breath... he was super excited! We had a great little night in Palm Springs and woke up the next morning and drove down the beautiful coast to San Diego to hang out with Ben and Carol Lee. It was a fabulous day and night filled with lunch at George's, walks around La Jolia, drinking martinis on the rooftop bar at Mr. A's while watching the sunset followed by dinner at Vagabond's and drinks and dancing at the Imperial with the ever so famous Rick Lyons! It was a perfect night with just the four of us... and we can't thank Ben and Carol enough for letting us crash and of course for being such amazing hosts! We loved it in San Diego and there house is even cooler than the city itself overlooking the bay... it just doesn't get any better than that! However... we did miss one little thing about our home... our precious Philip! My sweet Grandmommie and aunt Vicki came and kept him at our house while we were gone and had a blast with our little angel. Although I am sure he wore them out as he is crawling everywhere and is just all over the place these days! However, he was so excited to see us when we got back that he smiled and laughed for about 3 hours straight and didn't want to go to bed that night. And of course after our first trip away from our little boy, we couldn't come home empty handed... now could we? So... we brought Philip a new little San Diego sun hat! He loved it and now really can't wait for the beach this summer... it will fit perfect by then! Thanks again to everyone for making this unforgettable weekend possible! We love you all very much!!
Dinner at the Atlanta Athletic Club
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Is that Bobby Jones behind us... we definitely make him look good!
Hey, I thought we were getting ice-cream too... I want some ice cream!!
Daddy... let me read your card to you... afterall you are 30, can you read the fine print without glasses?
Helping my daddy unwrap his present... this is my favorite part besides the ice cream
Do you think this makes me look taller mommy?
Bye-Bye... thank you so much Gigi and Papa Doc... it was such a fun and fabulous dinner... can't wait to do it again! I love it when my Papa Doc picks up the tab (my daddy told me to say that). :o)
Dinner at Houstons
My little family of three
What can I say... they are so blessed to have me!
Happy Birthday Daddy...
How do you like my hat?
I am so excited about giving my daddy his first birthday card
Bet he will need me to read it again... they say those eyes go at 30 for sure daddy
Let's get ready to sing...
Happy Birthday to my daddy... Cheers!
Our Trip to San Diego
Me and Phil on the rooftop bar... enjoying our lovers weekend
The Brosseau Boys
The four of us at dinner at Vagabonds... so yummy!
And of course... we had to capture the moment of Phil and Ben with the infamous Rick Lyons
Mommy and Daddy, how could ya'll ever leave this face even if it was to go to San Diego?!
My Home Alone face.... AAAAAHHHHHHH
I do love my new beach hat though... St. Simons here I come!
I know you don't have to tell me... I definitely make it work!
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