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A+ Doctor Reports
Yesterday, both boys had their well checkup appt and lets just say both got rewarded with LOTS and LOTS of stickers (literally Jan, our favorite, spoiled the boys with like 15 stickers) and lollipops... yay!! Parker had his 18 month visit and weighed 27 lbs 8 oz (50%) and was 33 1/2 inches tall (75%). He used all his favorite words for Dr. Ryan ("Night Night", "Ready" "here you go", "all done", "ready", "where r u "pill up"", "I love you", "hello", "ball", "please", "thank-you", "Buzz", "Woody", "Banana", "Fruit Snacks", "Mommy", "Daddy" and right after his shot he screamed "Bye-Bye." (Note his words are in order of importance which Phil and I really still dont know how we made the tail end of the list especially even after Buzz and Woody... but such is life I guess). Lets just say our sweet Parker man who I thought would never talk trying to get a word in with his older brother around is exactly like his older brother and instead never shuts up... he even sang his favorite song "wheels on the bus." So basically he talked nonstop through his entire part of the appt which Dr. Ryan was very impressed about, however though he stood up and danced while he sang wheels on the bus without holding onto anything... he wouldn't WALK!! He is taking lots of steps and when I say lots... like over 10 steps at a time by himself, he can stand up on his own, booty dance dropping down low and up again by himself (obviously he's got a little Buckler in him) but as he wants to ALWAYS keep up with his big brother Philip who is pretty much ALWAYS running, walking is just definitely not his primary mobility of choice. Dr. Ryan was still not worried but as a mom of two with an 18 month old not primarily walking, I demanded a second opinion. So I got a referral and we are all scheduled to take Parker to a physical therapist next week. Dr. Ryan said he clearly can walk (obviously), there is nothing wrong with him in anyway physically or mentally (he exceeded the social skills and talking portion of the appt), he just chooses not to walk which is apparently very common in second children who have an older sibling so close in age as well as premature babies (and he was born a month early). She even joked that he will probably be walking full out before our appt but me (the neurotic mom... and yes, I am admitting it - I have been a little obsessive over this whole walking issue) is still choosing to just find out if there is anything I can be doing better to encourage him to walk more. Dr. Ryan said the therapist will give Parker an evaluation which she said she is sure will be that he is perfect but just being a late walker (aka - give me the neurotic mommy a peace of mind) and then give us some exercises to encourage Parker to walk more and that he will probably be running in no time at all. At that point I am sure I will wish he was still crawling as I will then have two wild little boys under the age of THREE running in different directions. Good thing I have two arms I guess!! However, we welcome and ask for all of your prayers and I will keep you all updated. So, other than the "late walking" Parker is absolutely perfect from head to toe!! Next up was Philip who had his 3 yr visit and impressed Dr. Ryan with his outgoing little personality to say the least. He told her all about animal camp, his little brother Parker and of course about kissing KATE (I was mortified but played it off pretty well I think)!! He also really loved being the center of attention (as always... definitely gets this from his daddy) and showing the Dr how he knew all his colors, shapes, etc., telling her all about how he goes pee pee and poop on the big boy potty and he even got his shot without crying! He weighed 32 lbs (50%) and was 39 1/2 inches tall (65%)... absolutely perfect!! And as we left, Philip was so VERY PROUD of himself (to put it mildly), that he decided to tell all the nurses, the checkout staff and every single person in the waiting room (all 15 of them and their kids) how "he didn't even cry when he got his shot but his little brother Parker did!" Uh-oh... looks like the brotherly competition has already begun... what are we going to do with this kid when he is like 16?!!
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